The APO (Olive Producers Association) Cooperative Society is Partner of the project entitled “CLUSTER SERVAGRI – cross-border CLUSTER at SERVice of the networking and qualification of AGRIcultural chains in olive growing eligible for funding under the ENI CBC “Italy-Tunisia” 2014/2020 Programme (first call for standard projects ) and of which the Eloro LAG is the Principal Beneficiary.

For the implementation of this project, the APO Cooperative Society publishes a call for Expression of Interest and Curricula Research for the recruitment of 4/5 technicians and 1 translator..

The selection concerns the following professional profiles:

1) Professional training experts;

2) Professional Research Experts;

3) Professional Quality Experts;

4) Expert translator and interpreter in Italian / French.

Interested parties may send their application by e-mail, attaching the required documentation to the e-mail address no later than no later than 12.00 on 20/05/2020.

All the documents are available at the following LINK: