Video presentation of the project on the EXPO 2015 official day of the cooperation with Africa, broadcast by TV program MEDITERRANEO on 1st June 2014, a co-production of international relevance made by RAI and France 3, in collaboration with ENTV Algeria, broadcast by Rai Tre, France 3, France International and TV5 Monde (France), ERT (Greece), RtvSlo (Slovenia), JRTV (Giordania), ENTV (Algeria) and by televisions in Arabic associated with ASBU (Arab States Broadcasting Union). This prestigious and highly impressive video was created by journalists Lucia Basso and Giovanni Marano and broadcast as opening news report by the above-mentioned TV program. Following the broadcasting, H.E. the Italian Ambassador in Tunisia Raimondo De Cardona has firmly expressed his wish for the development and growing of such operations as the “SERVAGRI project” all over Tunisia.